October 15, 2017 (Vol. 37, No. 18)


Strong Points: Beautiful site design, good information about initiatives
Weak Points: Many projects still in development


The website for the nonprofit organization The People’s Science is beautifully designed and enticing, drawing in visitors to learn more. The website reflects the mission of the organization: “to improve the relationship between science, society, and the individual.” The organization focuses on developing resources to improve communication between scientists and the general public, and educational tools to improve scientific literacy that are widely accessible. Though still somewhat in its infancy, this ambitious organization has already launched multiple initiatives, which are described on the website. Site visitors can browse the highlights of the 2016 art show that focused on biases that shape human society or browse the profiles of the scientists featured in the “I am a scientist” campaign designed to highlight diversity in the field and to combat stereotypes. The organization is currently asking for scientists to get involved, so let’s show our support!

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