April 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 8)
Strong Points: Great protein interaction domain information, links
Weak Points: Nothing significant
I commend any individual or group who creates a useful website for other scientists, but I feel that I must give extra kudos to fantastic laboratory websites. (Between writing grant proposals, submitting manuscripts and, oh yeah, doing experiments, when do they find the time?) The website for Dr. Tony Pawson’s laboratory at Mount Sinai Hospital falls into this category, as it combines the lab’s original research with succinct summaries of their works, information about reagents, and links to other useful sites. The best feature of the site, however, is the wonderful collection of protein interaction domains. One can either browse by function or simply peruse each of the modules, exploring the 3-D structure of each domain, general information, and examples of proteins that contain the domain.