January 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 1)


Strong Points: Well organized/well written
Weak Points: None

When you find a site with a title like The Grapes of Staph, you know you’re dealing with a fun designer. In this case, it is Dr. Gary E. Kaiser, who is at the Community College of Baltimore County, Catonsville Campus. Apparently the home site for a class he teaches, The Grapes of Staph provide an informative collection of notes, illustrations, pictures, and even animations relevant to his lectures. With topics that range from a review of general biology to an online lab manual, apparently for the lab portion of his course, the site scores major points for educational content and understandability. I would recommend the site to anyone wanting to learn more about microbiology, who had never taken a course. I’m sure Dr. Kaiser’s students have benefited from his efforts and now GEN readers can as well.

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