Rating: Excellent
Strong Points: Several single-cell atlases available; plotting tools are quick to load and easy to use.
Glia, the support cells of neurons, are gaining more and more recognition as important mediators of both central and peripheral nervous system functioning. If you’re interested in looking more closely at the role of glia in the peripheral nervous system, check out the Glia Portal from the Milbrandt lab at Washington University in St. Louis. The portal provides access to several single-cell atlases, including a sciatic nerve atlas, immune atlas, and Schwann cell atlas. Users can choose from numerous genes in each atlas and examine their relationships more closely. The portal allows users to plot the data in several different ways, including violin plots, dot plots, and heatmaps, and each data representation can be downloaded and saved. The website is easy to use, but if you’re new and feeling a little lost, there’s a tutorial available that walks through the major features of the site.