January 1, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 1)
Strong Points: A wide variety of resources for biology teachers, including lesson plans, online tools
Weak Points: Very little advanced material
The Biology Corner—such an inviting name, wouldn’t you agree? It reminds me of a segment on a children’s educational show. Actually that isn’t too far off, for although directed at a much older audience, The Biology Corner is designed as an educational website with resources for biology and science teachers. Created by a high school biology teacher, the website contains a wide variety of biology and anatomy lesson plans, interactive quizzes, images, and even a nascent video page. In addition to the useful exercises and quizzes for any student of biology looking to brush up on various topics, there are also links to science education websites and tools for teachers (such as tools to create crossword puzzles or Java quizzes). The site is given a personal touch by the creator’s blog, in which she discusses various approaches to teaching specific topics. All in all, the Biology Corner is a great introductory site for neophyte biologists, and is a wonderful resource for teachers.