February 15, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 4)




Strong Points: Opportunity to become involved with the research project

Weak Points: Page design rather unpolished, some pages slow to load


It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…oh wait, it actually is a bird. An albatross, to be precise. You’ll find all things albatross on the website for The Albatross Project of Wake Forest University. The research question deals with understanding where the birds go when they leave their nesting island, and this question is addressed by tagging individual birds and monitoring their progress via satellite. The website for The Albatross Project is aimed at middle school-aged students (and their teachers), inviting teachers to subscribe to the project in order to give their students a hands-on introduction to a scientific investigation. The website features additional albatross information to pique students’ curiosity, such as a page entitled, “Take me straight to some really cool stuff.” From facts about these feathered friends, to lesson plans, this website will have young students of science flocking to its pages.

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