February 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 4)
Strong Points: Good reference for synaptic genes
Weak Points: Some links don’t work, bare in places
It is truly wondrous to take a moment to think about, well, thinking. Or, even simpler than that, just think about the chemical communication that occurs at a single synapse. It is easy to forget that such a large number of genes/proteins are involved in the orchestration of synaptic transmission. If you’re looking to be reminded, SynapseDB contains information about 200 genes involved in synaptic transmission. Compiling the genes together in one site for easy reference, SynapseDB also includes links to external databases for each gene. SynapseDB was initially created as a site to accompany a manuscript, but it has aspirations to include much more information. It is definitely a site to keep an eye on, although for now, it is a bit bare in places.