May 15, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 10)


Strong Points: Nice how-to for each tool
Weak Points: Nothing major


Gene splicing certainly adds some spice (or should I say splice) to genetics, doesn’t it? In addition to adding variation to gene products, alternative splicing can also impact the results of various molecular biology techniques. For instance, have you ever thought about how splice variants could render your RNAi experiment useless if your probe isn’t designed against the correct region? Or how microarray data are dependent on splice variants? SpliceCenter is a suite of free online tools aimed at answering such questions. The nine tools (which include tools related to RT-PCR primers, protein coding sequences, microarray data and high-throughput analysis, among others) all come with their own how-to/help section to explain how they work. So add some variety to your online resources of choice and head over to SpliceCenter.

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