March 15, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 6)



Strong Points: Nice site design, easy to navigate

Weak Points: Limited features


Biologists know that context is very important. For instance, cellular context can result in gene X being expressed, but not gene Y. Similarly, the chromosomal context of a gene has important ramifications for disease. Now, with the Signature Genomics Genome Browser, researchers can explore the genome through an interactive browser. Users can hone in on the particular genomic region of interest via one of four search parameters: genomic coordinates, chromosome band, gene, or BAC ID. The search results include a graphic depicting the genomic region, as well as lists of syndromes and genes tied to that region. In the “interactive” mode, users can move through the region and adjust the spacing to better explore each feature. Conveniently, each search result can be formatted to an easy-to-read printable version, perfect to be taped to any lab bench.

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