April 1, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 7)
Strong Points: Great idea
Weak Points: Uncertainty of views of peers
Oscar Wilde once said that there is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about. Young scientists might have their own take on this statement, but in general, most of them will lean toward getting publicity instead of ignoring it. I recently became aware of SciVee, an interesting site aimed at helping researchers to “make your research known.” While the skeptical may say that the traditional means of doing this, publishing in peer-reviewed journals, should suffice, others will argue that publicity sometimes brings unexpected benefits that may lead to grant funding. The site focuses on videos illustrating the scientists and/or their work. Users create an account, log in, upload the video and then publish the “Pubcast.” It’s that simple. Indeed, the trickiest step is probably making the video itself. Interested? Check out this interesting idea.