April 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 7)


Strong Points: Links
Weak Points: Poor information organization, presentation

Yes, databases are getting more specific by the day. One need only look at the description for this one—A database for tRNA molecules and genes in mitochondria of photosynthetic eukaryotes—to realize that. Such tRNAs are not of trivial interest. They appear to be related to tRNAs in the precursors to modern day mitochondria and their distribution is not fully understood. Where there is a mystery, there are scientists trying to solve it, and where there are scientists, there is probably a website, hence PLMItRNA. We can’t observe the evolutionary changes that gave rise to modern-day tRNAs, but perhaps through sequence analysis, we can track the changes. The tools at POMItRNA are aimed at solving such mysteries—more power to the designers.

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