February 15, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 4)


Strong Points: Large collection of freely available data, links to software tools
Weak Points: Some dead links, difficult navigation


Showcasing the power of high-throughput proteomic analyses, the PeptideAtlas by the Seattle, WA, nonprofit Institute for Systems Biology provides a large compendium of peptides that have been identified from tandem mass spectrometry experiments across many different organisms. Site visitors can search for specific peptide sequences, or they can browse or search for downloadable raw data from the “data repository.” While proteomics aficionados will enjoy the detailed descriptions of the experimental pipeline, the links to various software tools to view and analyze the data, and the large amount of raw data, more casual or exploratory visitors may find the database a bit difficult to navigate. For example, it is not immediately obvious which organisms are included in the database, nor is there much in the way of a tutorial to guide visitors through the site. Still, if you have the patience to dig in and explore, there is lots to be discovered.

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