June 15, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 12)
Strong Points: Lots of educational and professional development information
Weak Points: Many ads on site, some sections light on content
Transport yourself to a world of organic chemistry knowledge through the Organic Chemistry Portal. The site’s content is varied, ranging from detailed educational information, to abstracts of recently published papers, to job postings, to even a “product of the month.” The bulk of the educational information can be found under the “organic reactions” section of the website, which is divided into four sections: name reactions, organic synthesis search (using a nifty graphical index of bond type), protecting groups, and special topics (such as green chemistry and organocatalysis). Other sections of the website include information on chemistry resources (including book reviews) and chemical suppliers. There are a fair number of advertisements on the website, but they aren’t so overwhelming as to detract from the content of the page.