June 15, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 12)




Strong Points: Number of translations

Weak Points: Poorly organized


There are a zillion online dictionaries on the Web, so when I saw the title of this site, I wasn’t exactly overjoyed. It always pays to look a little deeper, and such was the case here. What I discovered at Online Dictionaries and Translators was the incredible compilation of translators for languages from all corners of the world. We’re not talking just Germanic tongues here! Need to translate between English and Inupiaq? How about between Malagasy and French? You’ll find engines here for doing just that. On the downside, the translators are great for words, but aren’t really set up for phrases. In addition, the organization is decidedly poor. Visitors click on a language, which brings up a long table that has links to many languages besides the one requested. Yes, this could be improved, but the price (free) is hard to beat.

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