May 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 10)


Strong Points: Many free educational resources
Weak Points: None


The Nuffield Foundation is a charitable trust based in London that has the mission, “Improving social well-being through education, research and innovation.” This is achieved through programs aimed, in part, at improving primary and secondary education in STEM fields. Related to this, the Foundation website houses a host of free resources for STEM educators covering the fields of biology, chemistry, mathematics, and physics. The resources include instructions for lab demonstrations as well as complete lesson plans for a large number of experiments. Lesson plans include specific teaching notes, links to online resources related to the project, instructions, and question worksheets for the students. Lessons are organized by so-called “education projects” that include applying mathematical processes, twenty first century science, and applied science, among others. Alternatively, site visitors can browse the content by subject.

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