March 1, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 5)



Strong Points: Vast quantity of information

Weak Points: None


From Washington University in St. Louis comes the Neuromuscular Home Page, an online library of information relating to the neuromuscular system. I struggled to find the right word to give the proper perspective of the scope of this page and finally settled on “library.” The content covered at the site is ENORMOUS, as will be witnessed by simply clicking on the Index link on the opening page. Here, users will find hundreds of hyperlinked topics, most of which lead to dozens each more subjects. Besides abundant amounts of information on the subject, the site also includes information on active clinical trials, patient resources, links, educational material, lab information, directories, and lists of new/revised subject areas by date. The Neuromuscular Home Page appears to be actively updated, with the most recent one occurring a day or two before I wrote this. One of the most amazing collections of information I’ve seen in 11 years of doing this column.

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