May 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 9)



Strong Points: Information is cross-referenced for easy searching

Weak Points: Outline format prevents in-depth coverage of topics


Medically trained readers will surely recall the joys of memorizing the symptoms of upper motor neuron versus lower motor neuron disorders and learning to discern myopathies from neuropathies. Such an educational quest is greatly facilitated by the website of Washington University’s Neuromuscular Disease Center. This site is an excellent resource for students, medical professionals, and researchers who need a working knowledge of neuromuscular diseases, from etiologies to symptoms to the various antibody tests used for diagnosis. The great deal of information contained within the pages of this site is presented largely in an outline-like format. This provides the reader with all of the “essential” facts in a condensed format, though it could be frustrating to those looking for more elaborate explanations of specific concepts.

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