September 1, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 15)
Strong Points: Well-organized images, nice collection of links
Weak Points: None
Scientific acronyms always run the danger of being just downright annoying or extremely contrived, so I must give credit to the people of NBII for their new page, LIFE. LIFE stands for Library of Images From the Environment. (Clever, huh?) Admittedly, it is better than NBII itself, which stands for the less-than-descriptive National Biological Information Infrastructure. LIFE is pretty self-explanatory: it is a library of images of plants, animals, and the environment. And, it is an excellent library of images at that! Photos are nicely organized into ten categories: animals, environmental topics, fungi and lichens, interactions among species, landscapes, management, microorganisms, plants, research, and weather. (Each of these categories is further divided into various sub-categories.) There is also an “NBII Kids” page, which includes coloring sheets, games, and puzzles. This website is a wonderful window to the world around us, highlighting plants, animals, and, well, LIFE in general.