November 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 19)



Strong Points: Outstanding quality

Weak Points: None


The photograph on the opening page of this Web site (I’ll call it NaturePhotographers, for brevity) is one of the eerier looking insect images I’ve ever seen. In fact, after staring at it for a while, I’m still not sure I’m seeing it right. It’s hard to imagine a better opening page shot than this, because I just want to click to see what other weirdness I can find. Cleverly disguised, NaturePhotographers is actually another online publication (in this case, an online magazine), that itself is a sort of front for nature photographers’ portfolios. That’s not a complaint, though, as this is a great way to peddle your wares and there are a TON of them available here. The pix at the site are stunning, though not all of them match up to the quality of the opening image. Besides portfolios, the site is loaded with links to regional nature photography groups and clubs, as well as miscellaneous camera and wildlife related sites. A hodge-podge, to be sure, but one that is worth checking if you’re into nature photography.

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