Rating: Very Good
Strong Points: Easy to navigate through exhibits, really high resolution images
Weak Points: Can’t zoom all the way into exhibit descriptions
National Museum of Natural History Virtual Tour
Over the past few months, most of us have been stuck inside or venturing out only to do necessary tasks. If you’re hankering for some science-related fun but want to stay in your home, check out the virtual tours from the National Museum of Natural History. The museum, a cornerstone of the Smithsonian institutions in Washington, D.C., offers comprehensive and fully navigable tours of their current and past exhibits, complete with high-resolution images and a clickable map of the museum. In addition to the clickable tour, the website also offers videos of narrated tours through each exhibit. There are also images and short tours of several Smithsonian research centers that support the museum through collection and examination of specimens. Although it’s not the same as walking through the museum in person, the virtual tours of the National Museum of Natural History are a lot of fun and definitely worth checking out.