October 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 18)
Strong Points: Great networking opportunities, up-to-date event list
Weak Points: None
STEM disciplines still suffer from a lack of diversity, especially the further down the academic pipeline one goes. MinorityPostdoc.org is a great online resource—published by the nonprofit DiverseScholar—for postdoctoral fellows from underrepresented backgrounds. The website offers a place for postdocs to share their experiences, network with other postdocs via the internal contact list, and learn about funding and job opportunities. The website also publishes original, user-submitted content as part of its DiverseScholar newsletter. Beyond those already listed, the website contains many other resources aimed at the recruitment and retention of scientists from diverse backgrounds, including presentations on topics like “achieving your first academic faculty job” and a list of events organized or attended by members of the MinorityPostdoc community.