September 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 16)
Strong Points: Nice community page, many events offered
Weak Points: Content from workshops or courses not available online
Its name might make it sound diminutive, but the microMORPH project is actually quite a large endeavor. MicroMORPH, which stands for microevolutionary Molecular and Organismic Research in Plant History, is a NSF-funded Research Coordination Network that provides workshops, courses, and grants to researchers and trainees studying the speciation and evolution of plants. The website provides information for these various opportunities and it also gives the titles of talks and names of presenters from previously held workshops. The community page of the website is a useful networking tool, as site visitors can search for researchers in the field by name, location, or position (professor, postdoc, etc.). The community page is a work in progress, with more profiles being continually added.