September 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 15)


Strong Points: Good introduction to subject
Weak Points: Needs more coverage of subject

Advances in light microscopy such as confocal microscopy and others have revolutionized our views of living cells, among other things. Interest in the subject of microscopy is high, so it is timely to cover this important field from time to time. That time is here once again and the site du jour is Micro Contrasts, which provides short tutorial-style descriptions of methods for optimizing light microscopy. There are two versions of the site, one in English and one in German, and the latter is the more extensive of the two. Not speaking German, I can report that the English version is a nice introduction to the subject (Contrast Methods, Dark Field Wedge, Diffraction Contrast, Polarization Contrast, Direct Measuring Method, and Further Innovations) but it leaves me wanting more. The German version appears to have about twice as many topics covered and so will be preferred for anyone fluent in the language.

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