October 15, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 18)
Strong Points: High-quality review sheets and resources
Weak Points: Site’s organizational scheme can be cumbersome
Let’s face it—math is much like a foreign language in that if you don’t use it on a daily basis, you are likely to forget what you had previously learned. This may be especially troublesome for students who take mathematically intense courses in college, or researchers who realize they don’t remember their college statistics course as well as they thought. In order to provide supplemental math resources to students (and anyone, really), Math Centre was developed. This website provides a number of free educational materials including review packets, videos, and reference sheets on a number of mathematical topics. The resources are organized into categories, subcategories, and sometimes even more finely, such that information is so finely parsed that it may actually do a disservice to site visitors at times. However, visitors still have the option to search the website’s materials for particular types of resources or specific topics.