September 15, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 16)


Strong Points: Nicely organized, information for various target groups
Weak Points: None


The nonprofit Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation (MassBioEd) provides plenty of resources for various groups of scientists, including educators, students, and postdocs. The mission of MassBioEd is to advance STEM education through partnerships with biotechnology corporations. Readers can learn about the fruit of these partnerships—which include the “From Bench to Biotech” initiative that gives postdocs an opportunity to learn about career opportunities in industry and the “Biotech Futures” program that encourages high school students to pursue STEM careers through college campus visits—by visiting the organization’s website. The site is nicely organized into pages for educators, students, postdocs, corporate involvement, corporate professional development, and events. One of the best aspects of the site is the collection of curriculum resources for educators, including teacher/student materials and student investigation worksheets.

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