March 1, 2011 (Vol. 31, No. 5)
Strong Points: Well-developed online modules
Weak Points: Nothing significant
It’s field trip time! Perhaps you are unable to visit the Marian Koshland Science Museum of the National Academy of Sciences in Washington, D.C., but lucky for you, there is still much to explore on the museum’s website. From the homepage, one can navigate to the “exhibits” or “teach and learn” sections to discover a number of online exhibits and interactive activities. These include an infectious disease gallery, an exhibit on global warming, and an interactive module called “putting DNA to work,” among others. There is a separate page of educational activities that includes lessons and activities for a number of topics such as drug resistance and microbial evolution. In hard economic times such as these, a trip to the museum may be out of the budget, but educational and engaging websites such as this provide the perfect remedy for every school’s budgetary woes.