March 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 6)


Strong Points: Great amount of information, nice graphics
Weak Points: None


Molecular, cellular, and anatomical data that span mammalian development, stem cell research, and regenerative medicine are brought together on the LifeMap Discovery website. LifeMap Discovery is a vast resource that is freely available to noncommercial users. Content on the website is broadly organized into four areas: embryonic development, stem cell differentiation, regenerative medicine, and gene expression. Within those areas, site visitors will find background information on multiple topics, illustrations, and charts depicting the current knowledge in the field, in addition to content such as laboratory protocols. In the website’s “Library” section users can access a collection of images unique to LifeMap Discovery, an extensive bibliography for the information presented on the site, and a list of links to external resources. The site is beautifully designed, though the sheer amount of content can make it somewhat daunting. Fortunately, there is a video introduction to orient visitors to the website.

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