May 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 10)
Strong Points: Multimedia features
Weak Points: None
The straightforward title of this page belies the fact that this site is anything but a boring, straightforward page on genetics. Also, genetics in this case refers to much more than just DNA and gene expression. Addiction and cell function are also addressed, as are drug interactions in the “mouse party” feature. In this interactive animation, the molecular mechanisms behind various drugs are introduced by looking into the brains of dancing mice who have been partying a bit too hard. (Look, you’re going to just have to experience it yourself.) The virtual labs are not only entertaining (everyone loves pipetting virtual solutions and moving tubes from the centrifuge to the water bath), they are also extremely informative to the beginning molecular biologist. Even senior scientists will enjoy this playful site, which reminds us just how much fun science can be!