

Rating: Very Good

Strong Points: Numerous lab courses include interactive simulations and supplemental lab materials and lesson plans.

Weak Points: Requires a subscription to fully use.

Students and teachers alike realized over the last year that some classes, like large lectures, translate well into an online format, while other courses, like hands-on laboratories, do not. Fortunately, Labster proposes a compelling alternative to in-person laboratory courses. The Labster service provides numerous virtual learning labs, ranging across a variety of STEM topics and learning levels. There are several university-level courses, covering topics such as anatomy, ecology, or organic chemistry, and a few high school level courses covering introductory biology and physics. Each course comes with dozens of lab activities that allow students to learn concepts and run through full labs within a 3D virtual lab space. The website includes numerous additional resources for both faculty and students, such as lesson plans, lab manuals, and quiz questions. Labster requires a subscription to fully access but interested teachers can test run the system with a free trial.

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