June 15, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 12)




Strong Points: Multiple search options

Weak Points: Search not perfect, can’t organize results by publication date


In the “publish or perish” world of academic research, investigators must acquire an intuition for appropriate journals to which to submit their manuscripts. One must balance considerations such as “impact factor” and “whether or not I have a chance in you-know-where of getting my manuscript accepted.” To assist researchers with the guesswork, The Biosemantics Group has created JANE, the Journal/Author Name Estimator. Users enter their manuscript title or abstract into the search box, and then JANE searches Medline for the best corresponding journals—that is, the journals that have recently published papers on similar topics. Alternatively, users can search for authors or articles related to their query. Even if one does not intend to use JANE for their manuscripts, the site is still a good resource to find articles or authors publishing work related to one’s own research. Rather than searching by title or abstract, users can opt to search by keyword.

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