July 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 13)


Strong Points: Attractive graphics, good writing
Weak Points: Not enough online content

I like the full name of this site—Ion Adventure
in the Heartland. It conjures up some very interesting images and the word adventure gives it a fun twist. That’s an important perspective for a topic such as electrophysiology that some people might not otherwise find all that interesting. With a deft touch, Dale Dubin, M.D., an expert in EKGs, leads visitors through selected topics from his recently released book. Like other book promo sites, Ion Adventure suffers from inadequate online coverage, but this is not totally surprising given the desire to sell books. If the actual book is as informative as the few pages on this Website, it will provide important educational material and just might make this sometimes-dreary subject interesting to read about.

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