January 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 1)




Strong Points: Broadness of information

Weak Points: Nothing significant


From the Office of Dietary Supplements at the NIH and the Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) at the USDA comes this informative database to help us better understand what is in our food. Covering over 700,000 citations on dietary supplements, the IBIDS database is an important source of information on vitamin, mineral, phytochemical, botanical, and herbal supplements in human nutrition. Journal citations come from popular online sources, including MEDLINE, AGRICOLA, nutrition journals, and AGRIS International. The search interface provides users with multiple options for narrowing down information and reveals an interesting “Top 5 Most Common Search Terms.” This alone was quite informative. They are, “Metabolism Boosters”, “Creatine”, “Vitamin B12”, “Flax”, and “Book”. You don’t have to be a techie or a researcher to uncover interesting information here.

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