December 1, 2012 (Vol. 32, No. 21)



Strong Points: Provides glossary and discussion group in addition to database

Weak Points: Nothing major


If you’re looking for a way to integrate yourself into the field of bacterial gene recombination/mobile genetic elements, then the Integrall database is a great place to start. Not only does the Integrall website contain a large database of integrons (bacterial genetic systems allowing the capture and expression of gene cassettes), but the site also links to a “mobile genetic elements” Google discussion group. The integron database is quite extensive, including just under 6,000 entries. Users can search the database by a number of options: accession number, journal, authors, organism, source, integrase, or keywords. The website also includes a page on suggested nomenclature (apparently a sticky issue in the field), as well as a glossary that gives the gene name, gene product, and function for each entry.

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