June 15, 2013 (Vol. 33, No. 12)
Strong Points: Many search options, large database
Weak Points: None
IntAct is one of the many wonderful and freely available resources through EMBL-EBI. (The people at EMBL-EBI really do make biologists’ lives easier, don’t they?) IntAct is a database of molecular interactions, as curated from the literature or submitted by users. Users can search the database in a number of ways by entering the molecule of interest, species, interaction ID, detection method, or interaction type, among other options. The results list for each query includes the number of interactions found (specifying whether they are binary or were identified by a method that detects more than two binding partners), the specific interactions, and the method of detection (such as anti-tag coimmunoprecipitation). Clicking on a specific interaction pairs pulls up additional details about it. Users can also view and download the results in graphical form.