July 1, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 13)
Strong Points: Ambitious
Weak Points: Many sections lead to dead ends
While there may be many in the beer drinking community who would argue (especially at happy hour) the Hop genome ought to be sequenced, sadly (at least for beer drinkers) Hopgene has nothing to do with beer, at least not directly. The product of the Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine group at Johns Hopkins University (hence the HOP part of the name), HOPGENE is a cleverly disguised site focusing on applied genomics in cardiopulmonary disease. Though genomics is the framework for the site, there is a good deal of information here that has nothing to do with genomics. If users poke around, however, they will find the genomic goodies. Sections of the site deal with topics from asthma to lung transplants. The subsections of each topic devoted to genomics are spotty. Most sections have extensive hyperlinks, but they lead to dead-ends not linked to anything but a title. Clearly, Hopgene is a work in progress.