December 1, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 21)
Strong Points: Easy to understand protocols
Weak Points: Too brief
Say you need information about a histological procedure. Who you gonna call ? Well, you might start with the Histology Methods Page hosted at the University of Bristol. The opening page provides you with a rather bland-looking set of alphabetically arranged pop–up options. Clicking on one of them, and selecting an item inside, presents a protocol and, where relevant, a picture of how it should look. The appearance metaphor of the site is that of a lab manual, and the writing style emphasizes brevity. This latter characteristic is both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage of brevity is that information is easy to find. About 50 protocols are available. There is however, no perspective, no background, no troubleshooting, etc. Here is the brevity disadvantage. Do I want more in a site? Sure. Do I get everything I want? Unfortunately not.