June 15, 2009 (Vol. 29, No. 12)




Strong Points: Large collection of photos and web resources

Weak Points: None


When surfing the Internet during your lunch break, navigating with one hand as you finish eating with the other, this is one website to avoid. Hardin MD, hosted by the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa, provides a selection of links and resources for a number of diseases and medical conditions. However, its most prominent feature is the medical picture gallery. Even if you are a safe distance from food, you must have a stomach for syphilis (and other lovely afflictions) to benefit from this resource. It is a great resource, including images not only of the symptoms, but in many cases also the disease-causing agents themselves. In addition to the pictures hosted by Hardin MD, there is a large index of diseases, complete from ADHD to yellow fever, whose photos can be found on other websites. The links are provided for your convenience.

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