September 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 15)



Strong Points: Very tidy design

Weak Points: None


When I was a kid, I was a big collector of baseball cards. Every night, I’d go through them and admire the players and their accomplishments. I get a similar feeling looking through the GNN site (clever title, by the way), with its up-close-and-personal treatment of organisms whose genomes have been sequenced. Each entry has a picture of the species accompanied by a short profile of the organisms, which is not an awful lot different from what used to be on the back of baseball cards. In addition, clicking on a picture brings up an even more in-depth description of the organism. Last, it’s hard to believe, but to cover the topic of sequenced genomes, it is now necessary to break them up alphabetically into five groups. I’m not sure if that news is good or bad.

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