September 15, 2018 (Vol. 38, No. 16)
Strong Points: Many search options enabling genomic and proteomic analyses
Weak Points: Fairly short help documentation
Biologists who study the roundworm C. elegans are used to having great community resources. Now they can add one more to that list. GExplore facilitates the large-scale mining of C. elegans genomic and proteomic data by reorganizing and re-presenting the vast amount of data contained within the Wormbase database. On GExplore, researchers are presented with six different search pages: proteins, mutations, genes, expression (developmental stages), expression (cell types and tissues), and compare (to identify common and unique entries between two gene sets). Within these various search pages, users can search for proteins that contain particular domains, explore gene ontology terms and the location of specific genes within the genome, and search for genes that are enriched (based on previous RNA sequencing experiments) within particular tissues of the animal or at specific developmental stages. The website includes a help page that provides brief descriptions of each of the search features.