June 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 11)


Strong Points: Easy access to info
Weak Points: Rather narrowly focused

It’s a crowded world of sequenced genomes out there, and it appears now that to get noticed, a genomic sequence site not only has to have sequencing complete and organized, it must also come up with a cute name and a logo if what is shown on the Genolist site is any indication. A trip to the Pasteur Institute’s GenoList Genome Browser provides an opening page with links to 15 genomic sequences. They include numerous organisms like Helicobacter pylori and Cyanobacteria, their associated database names (PyliriGene and CyanoList), and their official logos (a ciliated bacterial image and the word CyanoList in 3-D). Fluff aside, the GenoList site provides easy access to genomic information, and how could anyone have a problem with that?

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