March 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 5)
Strong Points: Great design, useful for students
Weak Points: None
Way back in the early days of this column (1998), I was one of the first reviewers to report on this well-designed, educational page. It seemed like now might be a good time to provide an update. Put together by Fred Senese at Frostburg State University, the site excels in several areas. The first is a common compound library. In it, users enter the name of a compound and a search engine retrieves data about the molecule, which includes links to PubChem, Webbook, and MSDS info. Chime structures and spectra are included where relevant. Second is a section entitled Exam Survival Guide. It provides practice exams and “ten ways to pass your next exam” that will be popular with students. A glossary covers many of the terms and can be sorted by topic. Last, a set of Construction kits help students to “build” chemical equations, convert units, and construct ionic compounds. Clearly a labor of love, General Chemistry Online has been around long enough to be called a classic of web education.