November 1, 2010 (Vol. 30, No. 19)
Strong Points: Well organized, links to current journal articles
Weak Points: Nothing significant
Genomic imprinting gurus, unite! …And then go visit, a genomic imprinting oasis from the Jirtle Laboratory at Duke University. Whether you want an introduction to this phenomenon of parent-of-origin dependent gene silencing or you are looking for some timely scientific literature on the topic, geneimprint provides answers to your queries. There is a “featured research” page, as well as an archive of select imprinting scientific articles, arranged by year. (Yes, there are articles from the current year.) If the article archive isn’t current enough for you, the “hot off the press” page provides a daily listing of the most recent imprinting and epigenetics journal articles. Beyond simply presenting links to current literature, the website also includes a species-specific listing of imprinted genes, as well as a list of links to other imprinting resources.