April 15, 2005 (Vol. 25, No. 8)


Strong Points: Interesting reading
Weak Points: Narrow audience

I’m not a cat person. I don’t like house pets that don’t come when they’re called and I am concerned about diseases spread by human-animal contact when living together in close quarters. With the rise here in Oregon of the cougar population in the wild, I have even more reasons not to like this collection of predators. Nevertheless, I can say a big hurrah for the Feline Research Program’s informative pages. Hosted at Texas A&M University, the Feline Research Program contains page after page of well-written informative descriptions of research on seven felid species (mostly in southern Texas). Animals include bobcats, mountain lions, leopards, ocelots, clouded leopards, and Asiatic golden cats. Complete with pictures and a section on molecular genetics, this is an informative site on a topic you don’t hear much about.

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