May 1, 2007 (Vol. 27, No. 9)
Strong Points: Awesome collection of genes
Weak Points: Quirky in places
An aptly named site, euGenes, is a collection point of information about eukaryotic genes. More specifically, the Indiana University site “provides a common summary of gene and genomic information from eukaryotic organism databases.” Even more to the point, the database contains sequences from the completed genomes of humans, mice, rats, fruit flies, mosquitoes, weeds (Arabidopsis), worms (Caenorhabditis), zebra fish, and yeast. Access to the information is both simple and annoying. Clicking on human genes provides access to maps of human chromosomes, but I was unable to retrieve sequences by clicking on map locations. Tools for retrieving links to sequences by name using selected fields (all, cellular location, chromosome, etc.) were successful and simple. I’m not sure who the target audience is here, but I guess anyone doing general searches for genes in eukaryotic organisms will find it of use.