June 15, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 12)


Strong Points: Open access, anybody can submit a poster
Weak Points: Small collection at the moment


Poster sessions at scientific conferences are valuable assets for the research community—they provide researchers the opportunity to share their preliminary research findings with the broader research community, which itself benefits from being able to view unpublished data. Unfortunately, in order to enjoy these poster sessions, one must actually be in attendance at the conference…that is, until the advent of ePosters.net. ePosters—self-dubbed “the online journal of scientific posters”—provides researchers an online avenue to share their posters with the larger scientific community (not just those who attended a specific conference). In addition to catering to individuals looking to submit their posters, ePosters also offers conference organizers and companies the opportunity to partner with the site and present a collection of posters in a conference- or company-specific gallery. As the site is relatively new, it houses only a limited collection of posters at the moment. However, hopefully this will quickly change as more researchers embrace the opportunity to share their science with the world.

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