April 15, 2008 (Vol. 28, No. 8)




Strong Points: Posters

Weak Points: Nothing significant


Has this ever happened to you? You spend weeks/months putting together data for a meeting which you assemble into a poster. You go off to a meeting and stand beside your poster like Howdy Doody for a couple of hours answering questions to anyone who comes by and then poof (!), the meeting is over and you’re left with a poster in hand, but nothing to do with it? Well, it has happened to me and I’m sure I’m not alone. It is a waste of info to just throw it away, but previously there wasn’t much to do about it. Now, thanks to ePosters.net, your efforts are not for naught. Instead, they can live on via the Web on this interesting site. Posting is free for academic submissions and uploaders retain their copyright. Is there a downside to this? I couldn’t find any. There are prizes for the best poster and the corporate sponsors online are there to help keep this a free access site. One of the best ideas I’ve seen come down the pike in a long time.

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