June 15, 2014 (Vol. 34, No. 12)




Strong Points: Extensive resources, excellent organization

Weak Points: None


This website really is aptly named, as it seems to be able to grant any wish that an epigenetics researcher might make. A list of upcoming epigenetics conferences, as well as highlights from conferences that have already passed? Check. A comprehensive guide of validated antibodies? Your wish is Epigenie’s command. Indeed, the website is quite impressive in its scope. For people who are new to the field, there is an epigenetics “Background” page to introduce you to the subject. For experienced epigenetics researchers there are—in addition to the resources mentioned above—technical guides for common experiments, videos featuring leaders in the field, current news headlines, and a “Features” section highlighting new methods, breakthroughs, or other topics of interest to the community, and an extensive “Products” reference section. Site visitors can also sign up for a twice monthly news update to stay even more in-the-know. So be prepared to have your epigenetics research desires granted—no magic lamp required.

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