March 1, 2006 (Vol. 26, No. 5)


Strong Points: Well written articles
Weak Points: None

Take a peek at the opening page of and you’ll get a glimpse of some nasty problems: pituitary disease, diabetes mellitus, adrenal disease, and thyroid problems. If you tie these various things together, you’ll get a glimpse of what the site is all about: “a web-based source of information on endocrine disease directed to physicians around the world caring for patients with these problems,” or so the online blurb says. Endocrine problems are no small health issue. Besides the topics listed above, they include everything from gigantism to sexual differentiation. Clicking on any of the site’s heading leads to sub-headings and clicking on these leads to superbly written articles, complete with references. I can see why physicians like this site and I recommend it to anyone interested in this category of human health issues.

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