February 15, 2016 (Vol. 36, No. 4)




Strong Points: Good “help” documentation, great collection of software links

Weak Points: Can’t browse databank entries


At the interface of cell biology and traditional methods of structural biology, such as crystallography and NMR, is a relatively new technique, three-dimensional electron microscopy (3DEM). It allows high-resolution elucidation of macromolecular complexes. The EMDataBank is an online resource for the 3DEM community that includes a structure repository (with recent entries highlighted on the homepage) and other useful features. The website includes a newsfeed and a list of recent publications. The “tools” page of the website offers a long list of links to software programs used in the generation and analysis of 3DEM data. A good amount of documentation is provided for those looking to deposit EM map reconstructions to the databank, and the site also offers a helpful FAQs page.

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