April 15, 2015 (Vol. 35, No. 8)


Strong Points: Wide range of topics, interesting content
Weak Points: None


The concept behind Edge.org is an interesting one: put a bunch of smart people from various disciplines in a room together and have them discuss questions that they have been thinking about. These questions span the topics of mind, life, culture, universe, and technology. The conversations are presented on the site in text, video, and audio formats, with links to related content for easy browsing. Some of the conversations you’ll encounter on the site are: “The neuroscience of moral decision making,” “Formulating science in terms of possible and impossible tasks,” and “Toward the seamless integration of the sciences.” There is also an “annual question” posed on the site, which for 2015 is: What do you think about machines that think? Under the “library” page of the website, one can find book titles penned by the various Edge contributors to facilitate further pursuit of topics of interest.

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